Those wishing to take the exam was 10% less

the Number of students wishing to pass the Unified state examination (use), decreased by 10% after the decision of the Russian government to give all students the certificates for 11th class exams. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of education Sergey Kravtsov.

According to him, reports «Interfax», to the solution of the certificates to pass the exam was going about 700 thousand graduates. After the announcement that certificates will be given to all and so wishing became less 640-650 thousand

In this case, said Kravtsov, preferences taking the exam in the subjects remained the same. Most popular — mandatory Russian language, on the second place — social studies. Also continues the marked trend towards increase in the share of choosing natural science subjects (biology, physics and chemistry).

earlier today it became known that all this year’s graduates will receive a certificate without examination. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed the corresponding resolution.

«All the Russian students — the ninth and eleventh grades in 2020 will receive a certificate without any exams… Graduates who want to continue their education in secondary vocational educational institutions will be enrolled in them according to the results of the certificate», the report States.

Those students who want to pursue higher education, will pass the exam. It is expected that schools will help to prepare for exams remotely.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that this year the exam will start on 29 June and exams will only be those students who intend to go to College. The President also said that schools online will help graduates prepare for the exam, the certificates will be issued to all school leavers, but this one-time measure amid the fashion industry.

Admission to universities will be held in August. Those who fail to pass the exam in June, will be able to rent it in August for the remaining available undergraduate places. UchEBA in universities will start in September.

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