acoustic Performances, DJ sets, master classes, installations, digital… For two days and two nights, Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April, the old stock Exchange of Paris will turn up in welcoming INAsound, the first festival dedicated to the culture electro. The initiative belongs to the national audiovisual Institute, the custodian of the archives of the radio and TV, but also the legendary GRM, Groupe de recherches musicales, the birthplace of electroacoustic music, created in 1958 by Pierre Schaeffer. The festival was originally planned to be held on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 December 2018. The manifestations of the «yellow vests» had forced the organisers to postpone the event until spring, for security reasons.
pioneer Artists of the GRM, such as Jean-Michel Jarre, the godfather of INAsound, activists, electro, DJs stars but also simple clubbers, and «partygoers» are expected at the palais Brongniart, on the sidelines of the expo. Electro – which is currently being held at the Philharmonie de Paris. With this festival unique, the INA and the ambition is also to make themselves better known, up until now, the institution was famous for its archive images and audio.
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INAsound promises «an immersive experience» at the heart of the electro scene has become a culture in its own right, touching both the audio, the web, performing arts, contemporary art and even fashion. «It is not a festival: it is the opportunity to bathe in the entire heritage electro, remix, and rebuild this bottom raw and propose new creative proposals», writes Jean-Michel Jarre.
Remembering the legacy, build the future
The musician, ambassador of electro in France as early as the 1970s, is honorary president of the GRM, in addition to being a sponsor of the festival. In an interview granted to FIP in December, he felt a duty «to Pierre Schaeffer and the GRM». The festival is for him a means of transmitting this legacy to the greatest number. «The festival is to remind the world, including people who are not in the culture of electro, that everything started from here. Germany with Stockhausen, France with Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry, complete Jean-Michel Jarre. This music comes from the legacy of classical music, and this particular link with the national chains and public radio.»
The partnership with the INA, therefore, was a highlight for the musician. According to him, «the GRM has been considered by successive presidencies of the INA as a problem and not a solution. The new team assumes the reverse, that we can connect to the real and to this culture, which is extremely popular today.»
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Revelations and references to the electro will succeed in the historic setting of the former stock Exchange in Paris on the occasion of sets exclusive until 2am. More than 60 artists are scheduled including HIGH, The Supermen Lovers, the British Erol Alkan, Molecule, Plaid, Panteros 666 & Ines Alpha, Sara Zinger or the Syrian Wael Alkak.
Caesar 2018 of the best music for the soundtrack to the film 120 Beats per minute , Arnaud Rebotini occur in the night of 20 to 21 April, midnight and a half to 2 hours in the morning in the nave of the palais Brongniart. Jean-Michel Jarre, DJ Maud Geffray, half of the duo techno cult, Scratch Massive, Matt Black (Cold Cut), and the musician and performer NSDOS, will be on stage and participate in master classes.
«mental Images»
Several exhibitions will focus on visual arts in the digital time, while an «electro market» will bring together creators and start-ups. A «hackathon» will host DJs for 48 hours of creative challenge in a studio ephemeral. They will, in the time allotted, compose the original music video straight out of the archives of the INA. On Sunday, workshops will invite the children from 5 to 14 years old to create their own tracks by turning fruits and vegetables into instruments, or to sign their first remix.
«The universe electro, space for creation in the service of the musical composition and the visual performance, is one of the incarnations of the strongest in the new digital world, especially for young audiences», told AFP Laurent Vallet, president of the INA. The palais Brongniart will also host the»Acousmonium», a bubble bounded by fourteen speakers space, under the leadership of the Groupe de recherches musicales of INA. The program, «mental images».
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Advertised for the INAsound-expected in December, the musician Laurent Garnier, DJ Kiddy Smile or even Kiasmos are not listed on the new programming. Always PIF, Jean-Michel Jarre has, however, claimed to have «the ambition to push the festival a lot more in the coming years», if this first edition delayed is a success.