«The opportunity to reinstate caregivers suspended for non-vaccination (against Covid-19) having been mentioned during the debates in the National Assembly», the Academy of Medicine wanted to make an update, by press release.

«Any refusal to be vaccinated motivated by personal convictions is respectable, but incompatible with the profession of caregiver», she pleads first.

It also underlines that «the decline in the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing infection and contagion by new variants of SARS-CoV-2 cannot justify the reintegration of the unvaccinated: current vaccines retain residual effectiveness against transmission, which must be supplemented by strict respect for barrier gestures in healthcare settings».

“None of the rehashed arguments (lack of efficacy, adverse effects, lack of hindsight, etc.) can scientifically validate the refusal to be vaccinated, the real medical contraindications to vaccination being very rare”, continues the Academy of Medicine.

Finally, «vaccination remains very effective against the different variants and sub-variants to protect against severe forms of Covid-19, it makes it possible to make the recognition of serious Covid-19 as an occupational disease exceptional in vaccinated caregivers. “, she notes.

Another argument put forward by the Academy of Medicine: «The reintegration of unvaccinated health professionals within the healthcare team would compromise the climate of trust and the cohesion which must exist between its members and with the patients».

In addition, «it would endanger the fragile patients», she adds.

Moreover, «concerning only a very limited number of caregivers, it would not solve the current difficulties of operation of the hospital».

The Academy therefore expresses «its firm opposition to a reversal» which would concern only 0.3% of hospital professionals, caregivers and non-caregivers, according to a figure attributed to the French Hospital Federation.

The government seems to have evolved slightly thanks to the debate on its so-called monitoring and health security bill. After having affirmed to the National Assembly that the subject was still «not topical», the Minister of Health François Braun announced last week in the Senate the referral of several authorities on this «thorny subject».

Questioned again on Tuesday during questions to the government, the Minister of Health mentioned the position of the Academy of Medicine and reaffirmed having seized the High Authority of Health.

«In the light of their feedback, and as I am committed to, we will be able to objectify the situation and make an informed decision», replied François Braun to LR deputy Yannick Neuder, after having reaffirmed that the anti-Covid vaccination was a «massive protection weapon» and «few» unvaccinated caregivers.

The elected official from Isère replied by asking him «pragmatic things to allow our hospitals, our nursing homes, and our firefighters to be able to spend the summer in better conditions, the staff are exhausted».