It is always very difficult, in the novel as on a stage, to give, to understand, to see, a character whose reason is tottering. With Variations on the model of Kraepelin , the Italian author Daniele Carnevali has chosen a title to reference scholarly: Emil Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist (1856-1926), to whom we owe the classification of a number of mental illnesses. It is less known to the general public that Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who was his disciple, and described the degeneration neurological that bears his name.

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however, It has been the feeling, in reading the text into fragments by Daniele Carnevali, that it is the Alzheimer’s disease that suffers the man as it is discovered on the stage of the Theatre Mouffetard, beret screwed on the skull and speaking in a very strange way throughout the representation. It is Arnaud Frémont that the interpreter, sunken face, body floating in the clothes.

in Front of him, as soon as begins the show, a greater man, apparently younger, we understand that it is his son, even if the old man calls him «Daddy»… Guillaume Clausse is this character, devoted and worried. Two members of the Company’s Ka, as the director, David Van de Woestyne. In the partition of a woman physician who represents Emil Kraepelin but at the present, the sensitive Elsa Tauveron, that is often applauded also. She is also a girl once, in her beautiful summer dress with flower patterns, such as the comic Elise Guillou. The doctor, seated height, at the back, but always in the light, advises the son. Well difficult, however, to apply any method. There was love and patience.


There was a slight regret: the place is too modest puppets in the representation. We are expecting a little something else with the Company Ka. Led by Catherine Hugot, based in Besançon, it has increased, since nearly a score of years, the original shows. In these productions, the objects and the puppets had a place as important as the actors. In The Life burale according to Hervé Blutsh, for example.

no One will tell you not all… of course there is a presence of the puppet. Scenes that are dreamlike, haunting, touching develop on the plateau. Lights, video, sound effects, music, gaming microphones for the interpreters, all is well now and very well mastered.

The three actors provide a humanity that is plush with the different characters. It floats between several worlds: a reality corroded by the disease, but augmented reality is also that the brain is invaded by dreams of the old man. More moving than the considerations on Europe, incongruent.

Variations on the model of Kraepelin (Théâtre Mouffetard): 73, rue Mouffetard (Ve). Tel.: 01 84 79 44 44.
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday at 20 p.m. On Sunday at 17 h. School the 11 and 16 April at 14: 30 p.m. until 19 April.
Up: 13, 16 and 20 euros