Wards from the boarding school in Peterhof at the time of the pandemic was taken to accommodation accompanied

the Saint-Petersburg charitable public organisation «Orange» brought on a period of quarantine, linked with the epidemic of the coronavirus COVID-19, in an apartment accompanied by a stay of five wards of a psychoneurological boarding school № 3 in Peterhof. About it reported in a press-service of the organization.

Employees and volunteers «Orange» for several years work in this institution, so that the wards of their old friends. The move was made due to the fact that residents of psychoneurological boarding schools were at particular risk because of the epidemic: in boarding schools, where they live hundreds of people, it is impossible to provide the necessary insulation. Compounding the situation is the fact that most of the residents — people with poor health, so in a closed environment, the risk of infection and a negative scenario of development of the disease until death becomes very large.

the Room was rented and prepared to accompany people with mental and physical disabilities with the support of the presidential Fund grants Fund «Close others», of the parish of Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral and other members of the «Orange».

Today the hotel «safe house» — two young men and three girls. For each ward the experience of living in an apartment is possible not only to wait out the dangerous period of the epidemic, but also to experience life at home, to learn how to solve many household issues. While watching live around the clock by two officers of the «Orange».

After the lifting of quarantine measures «Orange» plans to develop two directions of a training apartment to prepare for the exit from the school more safely people who stand in the queue to obtain their own housing and support accommodation for people weaker, but for the second direction requires the involvement of a large number of Rdomestic resources and support from the city.

the project of the «Orange» — not the first of its kind in the city. In April within the framework of a joint project of public organizations «Prospects,» «Anton near here» and GAOORDI on site followed by residence left 26 people from social institutions stationary type.

«Rosbalt» presents the project «All inclusive!», designed to show that disability is a problem that concerns each of us. And moral state of society is determined by how it relates to people with developmental disabilities.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to COVID-19@rosbalt.ru