With its experience in multilingual and diplomat, monsignor Xavier Arodes is today coordinator of the pastoral care of international from the sanctuary of Lourdes.
LE FIGARO. – The Church is in one way or another to the production of Bernadette Soubirous?
Archbishop of ARODES. – The bishop did not wish to take an institutional role, but the chaplains of the sanctuary, including myself, have supported the project by facilitating access to the archives. It has been shown to the creators of the show documents that shed light on the personality of Bernadette. This was not a dunce. She comes from a poor background and even miserable, but she had a remarkable intelligence. It was she, for example, pen and ink drawings, as it was commonly at the time, but who show a lot of accuracy and refinement. Father Regis-Marie de La Teyssonnière ensured the historical quality of the project, which was of the utmost importance. The events are bearers of meaning, but they are …
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