This is a ballet in four acts, to which we invited Olivier Dubois. A little like as if the shaker of the dance was trying to gently fit in the mold of classical ballet. Four paintings and four musical environments: walking to the rock, of the variety of international psychedelic. An evolution that is assumed to illustrate his point: «dance against the bite of the weather that afflicts us, and obliges us».

» READ ALSO – The masters of dance

The choreographer develops his intent, somewhat nebulous: «navigation in blind to the sun». The first act, while the characters are not naked, looks like a repetition of his ballet Auguri . Rhythm always the same, the dancers walk swaying from one foot to the other, as if each of them was inhabited by two trends irreconcilable. Then, a thunderclap of light and sound wakes up the audience: the second act begins. We will then switch to a relative calm to outright hysteria.

Attention to the ears!

In the third pane, the dancers select a vinyl of variety international, the DJ took the opportunity to smoke a cigarette behind his decks, then the players will come and go until the last upheaval where the atmosphere becomes more psychedelic. We should acknowledge the prowess of the dancers, as the choreography is physically demanding and difficult to remember. It is nice to see, but overall, it was tightened, would be likely to better his goal. Because between the intentions of the choreographer and what hold the spectators of the ballet, there is a gap. Finally, attention to the ears: bring earplugs because the sound level of the soundtrack is at times very violent.

*Tropism, at the 104 in Paris until the 1st of April, and then in Bezons on April 5.