Tags, furniture destroyed and the statues torn… Saturday, December 1, yellow vests ransacked the Arc de triomphe and its museum. Inside, La Marseillaise , moulding of 1899 a part of the sculpture by François Rude the Departure of The volunteers , was a gaping hole on the cheek. It then became a symbol of the violence of the conflict.
» READ ALSO – «yellow Vests»: images of the Arc de Triomphe trashed
Three and a half months after the sack of the monument, and while fourteen-the vandals have been brought into consideration, the Centre of national monuments is an attack on the repair of five works damaged. In addition to La Marseillaise, also known as Genius of the fatherland, a model year 1930 the monument, busts of Napoleon and Louis Philippe as well as The Apotheosis of Victor Hugo have been affected.
A group of restaurant took its quarters on the 12th of march in the monument, to hand upright La Marseillaise and the model. In a first step, the fragments collected on the floor will be reassembled. Then a work of restitution will be undertaken. Professionals are installed behind glass, so visitors can witness the renaissance of the two works, which will last two months. The table cut of William Dubuffe, which evokes the funeral held on 31 may 1885, under the Arc de triomphe Victor Hugo, as well as the bust beheaded Napoleon, will be restored in the workshop.
After the night of ransacking of a national monument, the NMC had assessed the damage at one million euros. The Union of the wounded from the face and the head (known as the «Broken Faces»), created after the Great War, must give its support to the restoration of the casting of François Rude.