the Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with «Ukrainian truth» that Poroshenko met with him and offered support. However, the head of state sees no reason to cooperate with its predecessor, because «doesn’t believe it» and «Poroshenko — not the President».
«Poroshenko from the beginning of my presidency wanted to meet with me. I didn’t see any sense in this. It didn’t make sense due to the fact that all that was said prior to that, Petro Poroshenko, I think is true,» said Zelensky, called the former President «a skilled manipulator and an experienced politician».
Zelensky accused the head of the party «European solidarity» in «black PR» against himself and his family in the elections last year. As the President noted, «the long journey that lie» on the part of Poroshenko, including telling them «tales» about Zelensky «international partners», led to the unflattering «conclusions about what he was doing as President».
Simultaneously, Poroshenko was trying to meet Zelensky: «they Said we can find common ground, there is some support in the international arena». For the eyes in conversations with «leaders from abroad,» Poroshenko criticized Zelensky and succeeded in doing so that the former showman in the international community «took the first cautious» and «as an enemy of Ukraine».
the Meeting of two politicians still held, Zelensky carried with it the impression that its predecessor «still considers himself President of Ukraine.» «And even takes 10 years, he will assume that he is the only one that something they have done for Ukraine, and all the rest — no», — commented the head of the country’s former leader.
the Union with a former senior official of the state Vladimir Zelensky refused to go, despite the fact he was offered to Ukraine to help and wanted the enemy to «forget what happened». «He understands that we are different people, so a Union?..» said Zelensky. In addition, according to the President, the Alliance would have been for the reason that «former friends and former enemies» Poroshenko declares that with him it is impossible to agree.
Commenting on the institution on its predecessor criminal cases, the head of Ukraine said that he could not ask the question «as a citizen», stands for «landing» Poroshenko. According to Zelensky, if the guilt of the former President — or innocence — the court determines. «The questions that can be answered only by law enforcement agencies. <...> — he said. — The person should sit,» if you have something sit.»
the President also admitted that sometimes communicates with the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, whom the media has linked him before the elections. «I can write a text message: «note on the energy situation in the country», «Have something to do with tariffs.» Well, he is…» — said Zelensky.
According to him, the businessman does not agree with many of what is happening at home — «his thoughts, this man.»
the President also called the billionaire «influential person» who is engaged in business for 20-30. «But we have business and politics — these are things that, unfortunately, one without the other can not live», — concluded the President.
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