
Physical Activities: 41% of Women and 27% of Men are Not Active Enough

A recent study conducted by Santé Publique France and published on Wednesday, June 12, revealed that French people are too sedentary. More than one in five adults admits to spending over 7 hours a day sitting in a chair.

Many French people, especially women (41%) and men (27%), do not engage in enough physical activity due to long days spent sitting at their desks. However, in regions like Brittany and Occitanie, some individuals are finding ways to ease into summer gently. Urban environments provide an ideal playground for staying active. «With the bright sun, a gentle breeze, and a beautiful setting, we can breathe and enjoy the outdoors, which is the most important thing,» said a man working out in the open air. Another man shared, «As someone with a sedentary job, it’s nice to be able to do this whenever I want.»

On the flip side, the region with the highest levels of sedentarism is Île-de-France. The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Unfortunately, many French individuals are not meeting these guidelines, and with the Paris Games just weeks away, they are far from being in Olympic form.