tax Deduction for donations, a public institution to drive the work, easing of planning rules to go faster: the mps adopted on Thursday in committee the bill for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame, which is far from unanimous.

» READ ALSO – Notre-Dame: the executive wants to eliminate regulations

The fire on April 15 of this masterpiece of gothic art, has aroused deep emotion in France and in the world with a collection of donations without precedent for the reconstruction of the building of which the frame and the arrow signed Viollet-le-Duc, were completely destroyed. To meet this challenge, both from a technical, architectural and financial, that the president and Emmanuel Macron has wanted to see happen in five years, the State has initiated this project of a specific law that will be reviewed in session on 10 may by the Assembly.

Among its main provisions, the text introduced a scheme specific tax that grants a tax reduction of 75% within the limit of 1,000 euros for individual donors. It provides for the creation by order of a public establishment responsible for managing the funds collected, the control methods of such management and establishes finally, also by order, a system of derogation to the rules of urban planning and environmental protection to expedite the work.

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To date, pledges exceed 800 million euros, according to the explanatory memorandum to the draft law, even if the rapporteur, Anne Brugnera (LREM), has called for «prudence» of those who evoke already a surplus. This could push some of them to retract so that the encryption of the work has not yet started», she says. On Friday, the heritage Foundation, one of the three foundations to collect donations, as well as the Treasure and the Centre of national monuments, stated to have collected 22 million euros from individuals (with an average donation € 100) and € 160 million in pledges, recalled the elected.

» READ ALSO – Notre-Dame: one French person out of two wants an identical reconstruction

To cut short the debates on the use of funds, the minister of Culture, Franck Riester, absent from the discussions in the committee for the commemoration of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, stated in The new yorker that «all the money of donations will go to Our Lady.

SEE ALSO: 5 projects for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris