there is a life after the aspirin. Without the success of small pellets, effervescent Upsa, how many French musicians forgotten would still be in the rut? But, thanks to the foundation of dr Nicole Bru, our romantic music known for ten years a true resurrection. It must be said that he was well-liked, this repertoire that spans (roughly) from 1820 to 1939. Despised musicologists involved, who saw it as a bourgeois art ; disdain of the music lovers, for whom it was the melodies of grand-mom ; little-known interpreters, who seldom had the idea of dip ; unknown to the general public, who had never heard the slightest note.

» READ ALSO – The revival of the French romantic music

And here comes the Fondation Bru, which, in the case of a palazzetto venetian, decided to give a new blood to a century of musical imagination, with this exciting Centre of French romantic music. Since 2009, that of (righteous) rediscovered! Wouldn’t that be …

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