Mishustin complained about the cost of gasoline

the Russian fuel Union (RTS, brings together private traders and owners of petrol stations) has written to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin a letter about a difficult situation with pricing in which there was an independent gas station.

As explained by the head of RTS Evgenie Arkusha, from mid-may consumer demand for motor fuel started to recover, «and today its level is higher than in the same period last year, which can be explained by the absence of the Russians the possibility of going abroad during the holiday period and the increased use of private vehicles», reports «Interfax».

the Problem in the Union see that the fuel production has not recovered to the level of 2019 and not met the demand in the domestic market.

«as a result of lack of supply and unmet demand not only in the wholesale segment on the stock exchange, but also in the wholesale segment, increased stock wholesale, followed by wholesale prices. The situation is particularly critical for motor gasoline, the wholesale price which is almost on par with retail, and in some regions even exceeded them», — stated in the appeal.

Recall that, according to estimates from Rosstat, consumer prices on gasoline in Russia on average from 7 to 13 July rose by 0.4% after rising 0.2% the previous week.

the Ministry has fixed fuel prices of 77 centers of subjects of the Russian Federation, and most of all the prices grew in Makhachkala and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 2.8% and 2.3%, respectively.

In General, indicates Rosstat, to July 13, the national average consumer price of 1 liter of gasoline increased by 20 cents (compared to 6 July) to 45.47 of the ruble.

During the reporting period, the retail price of gasoline AI-92 rose by 19 cents to 42,97 rubles. The price of gasoline AI-95 jumped by 23 kopecks to the ruble of 46.61. Gasoline AI-98 rose by 16 kopecks to the ruble 52,53.

Liter of diesel fuel according to 13 July in the mediumm cost 48,02 ruble compared to 6 July the price increased by 8 cents.

we will Add that during the reporting period, the country produced 807,9 thousand tons of petrol (an increase of 2.6% compared to the previous week). In addition, produced 1 million 456 thousand tons of diesel fuel (minus 2.2 percent).

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