The Song of the forest takes us in the Cerrado, in the north of Brazil, among the Indians of the tribe Krahô. The young Ijhac hears the voice of his late father, who calls. For him, it is a sign that it is time to organize the feast for the ritual which ends the mourning. But it is also the time to reveal its provisions to communicate with the dead, and his power shamanic. Gold Ijhac refuses to become a shaman. Seeking to escape his fate, he leaves his family and decides to leave for the city. Offices in asylums, it is the bitter experience of the fate of the Indians and return to his village.

we must allow ourselves to disorient by this strange universe that we don’t have the keys. Renée Nader Messora has lived a dozen years in the midst of this community, where she has created a collective of film, joined by Joao Salaviza. Their film is a hybrid of a dimension documentary, in the observation of rituals, the life of the village (very pretty scenes with the children), one-dimensional fictional: a story of love, wandering, exile , accents universal. With its rich sonorities, its resonances joyful or worried, The Song of the forest has the beguiling power of a poem-long course, which embraces the mysteries of nature and «the patience of the world», an expression used in india.

The Song of the Forest , Drama Joao Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora.
With: Henrique Ijhac Krahô, Raene Koto Krahô. Duration: 1h54