While everyone was already up to his predictions, the jury of the Goncourt prize, chaired by Bernard Pivot, which was unveiled on Tuesday 3 September, its first selection of novels competing at famous prices. Three Gallimard and two Albin Michel are included in this list, for the rest evenly distributed. Surprise of this announcement: Amélie Nothomb is listed for his book, Thirst .

» READ ALSO – Six novels and nine trials in the first selection of the prix Renaudot

Fifteen novels are in the running. The successor of Nicolas Mathieu, winner of the last year with Their children after them (Acts South) is among them. But who was it? The three authors are present at the time on the list of the Goncourt and the Renaudot: Santiago H. Amigorena, The ghetto inside (P. O. L), Nathacha Appanah, The sky above the roof (Gallimard) and Jean-Luc Coatelem, the part of The son (Stock).

note that two primoromanciers are included in the selection: Anne Pauly to Before I forget (Verdier) and Abel Quentin for Sister (The Observatory).

the Verdict on 4 November. By then, two selections will be announced on the 1st October and 27 October (the last to Cabourg, to celebrate the Goncourt prize in 1919 to Marcel Proust).

● In the running for the Goncourt :

The ghetto inside , Santiago H. Amigorena, ed P. O. L

The sky above the roof , Nathacha Appanah, ed Gallimard

A Sunday in Ville-d’avray , Dominique barbéris, whose, ed Arléa

the part of The son , Jean-Luc Coatalem, ed Stock

Wall Mediterranean, Louis-Philippe Dalembert, ed Sabine Wespieser

All men do not live in the world in the same way , Jean-Paul Dubois, ed The Olive tree

A world without shore , Hélène Gaudy, ed Actes Sud

Red empress , Léonora Miano, ed Grasset

The earth invisible , Hubert Mingarelli, ed Buchet Chastel

Thirst , Amélie Nothomb, ed Albin Michel

Before I forget , Anne Pauly, ed Verdier

Sister , Abel Quentin, ed Observatory

Outer world , Olivier Rolin, ed Gallimard

the beating heart of The world , Sébastien Spitzer, ed Albin Michel

Of human affairs , Karine Tuil, ed Gallimard

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