About a hundred journalists condemned the "colleague" who is trying to sue the activist from Yekaterinburg

members of the Russian media need to justify from Ekaterinburg Maxim Shibanov, who had been prosecuted by the statement of «Orthodox» journalist Maxim Rumyantsev. The appellant stated that he suffered when Shibanov pushed him, however, reporters found in the biography of Rumyantsev similar case when three years ago at an environmental meeting in Chelyabinsk he also fell from a little push activist who considered him a provocateur.

according to the statement, which was signed by more than 70 journalists and editors, members of the media do not agree with the position of Maxim Rumyantsev, who «calls himself a journalist». «We don’t see him as my colleague and refuse to recognize his work as a journalist», — stated in the statement, the text of which publishes, in particular, the portal 66.ru.

According to the signatories, Rumyantsev uses the status of a journalist «as a cover for humiliating and dangerous provocations against citizens.» Journalists believe that Rumyantsev discreditied profession.

Maxim Shibanov accused of intentionally causing Rumyantsev harm to health of average weight. «We believe this criminal case is unjust and false, the false position Rumyantsev, and his activity is socially dangerous and damning — said in a statement. — Unfortunately, the story of Maxim Shibanov is not the only case when Maxim Rumyantsev behaved in a similar way, deliberately provoking people with insults. This behavior is not related to journalism».

the authors of the appeal ask the court to justify Shibanov.

the Statement was signed by journalists of 66.RU, ZNAK.COM, «echo of Moscow — Ekaterinburg», E1.RU, «Network of city portals», «Kommersant-Ural», «Komsomolskaya Pravda Yekaterinburg», «New day», «The Village of Ekaterinburg», STRC «Ural», «Novaya Gazeta» Republic.ru, Deutsche Welle, TochkaNews.ru, «Between the lines», «Typical Ekaterinburg», «Ekaterinburg Interesting», «FederalPress», «Pravda UrFO», Properm.ru, «revdinskiy work», the press service of the theater «Ural Opera Ballet», «Hidden camera», «Fourth channel», RESP, «broadcasting company «Studio-41».

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