Analyst: the Second wave of the pandemic would be "very painful" for Russia

the Second wave of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19, if it happens, it’s «very, very painful history» for Russia. This opinion was expressed by the head of IAC «Alpari» Alexander Razuvaev.

According to him, «usually immediately think of the country that depend on tourism — Spain, Turkey, Armenia, etc.» «But the oil exporters will also have hard times. New global quarantine can easily regain the price of oil at $20 per barrel or even below. It is very painful for the Russian budget and ruble», — stated in the review of the expert.

He believes that «against the backdrop of a pandemic, Russia is more vulnerable than many other countries, as well as receiving two blows at once». «The sharp increase in health care costs and a sharp drop in revenues because of falling oil prices,» — says Razuvaev.

Earlier today, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the situation with coronavirus in Russia «can swing in any direction». He noted that, according to official data, in June—July the number of cases of coronavirus is gradually reduced. «But the situation still remains difficult,» — declared the head of state.

He said: there is no reason for calm and rejection of the doctor’s recommendations for wearing masks and gloves in public, especially as not all regions have managed to achieve a sustainable reduction of morbidity.

Recall, for the last day in Russia identified 5 thousand 475 cases of coronavirus. Just sick over the entire period of the pandemic, nearly 829 thousand.

Putin also said about the need for prevention and proactive measures to try to avoid re-introduction of restrictions due to the new coronavirus infection. «Of course, everything must be done to the expense of preventive, proactive measures to try to avoid a repeat of the regime of restrictions. The more massive thatwould schools, kindergartens, universities, businesses and organizations can operate in a safe, normal, usual people mode,» — said the President.

let’s Add that the Russian economy in February—March 2020 was under the powerful impact of two negative factors — the rapid spread of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19 and its deleterious effect on the global economy and collapse in oil prices. Against this background, the rouble significantly depreciated against the dollar and the Euro. Reacting to the situation, the government and the Bank of Russia adopted several packages of measures to support the economy and citizens.

may 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the end of may 12, a single period of days off, entered March 30, in the fight against COVID-19.

on 2 June Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin reported on the nationwide state plan for the recovery of the Russian economy in 2020-2021 years, noting in particular that the cost of the plan will amount to about 5 trillion roubles. June 19, Putin was sent a revised draft of the national plan.

July 2, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolychev said that the total cost of the measures (the bailout package), aimed at combating the spread of coronavirus infection in Russia and mitigating economic impacts from restrictions imposed, estimated to be worth about 4 trillion rubles. According to him, the main focus of the budget measures were made on several fronts: strengthening health systems, supporting citizens and businesses, the balancing of regional budgets.