The two complaints were filed on Friday by two town hall employees, a former chief of staff of Mr. Santini and a former bailiff, who accuse the 81-year-old elected official of facts going back to May 2022.

The investigation was entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP), specified the prosecution, requested by AFP, which did not «qualify the facts at this stage».

André Santini disputes the facts, according to his lawyer Me Marc Bellanger, who specifies that he is not aware of the details of the charges.

Contacted Tuesday by AFP, he did not wish to comment, not being «not informed».

«The speed with which the investigation was opened is commensurate with the seriousness of the facts denounced but also the intensity of the evidence. Everyone can measure the courage shown by the two complainants», reacted for his part. lawyer for the two plaintiffs, Me Christelle Mazza.

Former Secretary of State for the Public Service (2007-2009) and ex-MP, André Santini (1988-2017) is UDI mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux, a city of nearly 70,000 inhabitants in south-west Paris, since 1980. He has also been vice-president of Greater Paris and head of the Syndicat des eaux d’Ile-de-France since 1983.

The first complainant, a former bailiff, claims to have been the victim of «touching» for several years, according to the complaint consulted by AFP.

The second, his ex-chief of staff, notably accuses the mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux of having «thrown» on him in an elevator, of having tried to «kiss» him and of having «approached his hand» from his «crotch».

«I have known Mr. Santini for seventeen years, we have never had any complaint lodged against him on the behavior attributed to him,» Me Bellanger told AFP on Friday.

«I think this is a revenge campaign by these agents vis-à-vis the mayor, with whom there is a dispute. They are not happy with their administrative situation and have filed a complaint», had -he adds.

According to Le Monde, the two complainants were dismissed by the mayor in mid-May, officially for «breaking the bonds of trust necessary for our collaboration».