Belousov explained, why the need for a national plan on the economy

First Deputy Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov said that the position of the business associations are key in finalizing the national plan of economic recovery, which is formed to have sustained minimal losses. He stated this today at a meeting with representatives «Business Russia».

«the position of business associations, in my opinion, are key. In large measure, a plan was made to ensure that the business has suffered minimal losses in the situation in which our country and the whole world», — quotes RIA «news» the first Deputy Prime Minister.

for his part, the head of «Business Russia» Alexey Repik said that in the plan already, there are points to touch on where the business considers critical: exchange control, e-HR workflow, accelerating the mechanism of the regulatory guillotine.

earlier in an interview with TASS the Chairman of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrin, speaking about the national plan, stated the need «to provide stronger changes in the economy, because 2021 will need to use to change the structure of the Federal budget, significant support for small and medium-sized businesses, reducing the regulatory burden on businesses».

«According to the government, the national plan worth 5 trillion rubles, including measures already announced in the three packages. For 2020 laid 2.8 trillion rubles, of which 133 billion roubles — on activities that were not included in previous packages, and 2021 laid 2.4 trillion rubles, of which new measures — about 300 billion rubles. So a national plan added approximately 430 billion support for two years. Now it would be hard to write some detailed, detailed plan», — said the head of the controlling Agency.

He does not exclude that «two or three months will be required to submit an updated national projects, and, I think, will be more bravesystem of structural measures».

let’s Add that the Russian economy in February—March 2020 was under the powerful impact of two negative factors — the rapid spread of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19 and its deleterious effect on the global economy and collapse in oil prices. Against this background, the rouble significantly depreciated against the dollar and the Euro. Reacting to the situation, the government and the Bank of Russia adopted several packages of measures to support the economy and citizens.

may 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the end of may 12, a single period of days off, entered March 30, in the fight against COVID-19. He also announced the beginning of implementation of the third package of anti-crisis measures, under which the state, in particular, will increase targeted support for families with children, small businesses, individual entrepreneurs and self-employed. In addition, Putin instructed the government to prepare a national plan for long-term development of the economy, the recovery in employment and incomes.

on 27 may, the Minister of economic development (MED) of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov said that the total cost of anti-crisis measures to support the Russian economy, aimed at combating the impact of the pandemic coronavirus has reached 3.3 trillion rubles.

on 2 June Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin presented to the President a national plan for the recovery of the Russian economy in 2020-2021 years, noting in particular that the cost of the plan will be about 5 trillion rubles.

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