
On July 8, 2024, Clariane France made a significant commitment to combat malnutrition by signing the charter of the Collective Fight against Malnutrition. This initiative, praised by many healthcare professionals, shows Clariane France’s determination to take a leading role in addressing a major issue affecting the elderly and frail individuals.

A Strong Commitment with Influential Figures
The signing of this charter took place in the presence of several influential personalities in the field of health and geriatrics. Professor Agathe Raynaud-Simon, president of the association and head of the geriatrics department at Bichat Hospital AP-HP, Nicolas Mérigot, CEO of Clariane France, and Dr. Fariba Kabirian, medical director of Clariane France, were present to emphasize the importance of this commitment.

Clariane France’s Areas of Commitment
By joining the Collective Fight against Malnutrition, Clariane France commits to several key areas:

• Awareness: Clariane France will intensify its efforts to raise awareness among the general public and healthcare professionals about the challenges of malnutrition. Communication about best practices will be strengthened to contribute to the prevention of this disease.

• Prevention and Fight: The group commits to adopting and promoting the best practices in the prevention and fight against malnutrition, ensuring the regular transmission of action reports.

• Active Support: Clariane France supports the collective by implementing concrete initiatives such as events and awareness campaigns.

A Concerning Public Health Issue
Malnutrition is an alarming condition that particularly affects the elderly. Upon entering a nursing home, around 30% of seniors are already malnourished. This statistic highlights the urgency of the situation and the need to implement effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Quality Nutrition as the Cornerstone
For Clariane France, quality nutrition is at the heart of its approach to combat malnutrition. The group is organizing the final of the Table Pleasures Contest on October 17, 2024, an annual event created in 2016 that celebrates gastronomy and the pleasure of eating well. This contest recognizes the efforts of the catering teams and emphasizes the importance of pleasure in eating and its role in nutritional balance.

Upcoming Initiatives
Clariane France also plans to support the «Open Kitchens» operation, an initiative of the Collective organized during the Malnutrition Awareness Week from November 12 to 19, 2024. This operation aims to showcase the restaurant industry by actively involving the teams, residents, and their families, thereby strengthening social ties and the well-being of vulnerable individuals.

A Common Mission and Collaborative Approach
Nicolas Mérigot, CEO of Clariane France, highlighted the importance of this commitment by stating: «As a mission-driven company, it is obvious for Clariane France to join the Collective Fight against Malnutrition. By signing this charter, we commit to continue our efforts in prevention, detection, and treatment of the disease, as well as supporting the operations of the Collective.»

The Crucial Role of Healthcare Teams
Professor Agathe Raynaud-Simon emphasized the importance of the commitment of healthcare teams: «Malnutrition affects more than 2 million people in France. If identified and treated in time, it is reversible. Institutionalized elderly individuals represent a particularly fragile population, but it is possible to improve meal intake through a tasty, energy-dense, and protein-rich diet tailored to the individual. The commitment of all teams will enable effective nutritional support.»

A Cross-Cutting Issue
Dr. Fariba Kabirian added that malnutrition not only affects the elderly but also patients with chronic illnesses. She emphasized the need to prevent, detect, and treat malnutrition quickly to improve the prognosis of associated pathologies. «Clariane France partners with the Collective Fight against Malnutrition each year to raise awareness among all its employees, as well as patients, residents, and their families about the challenges related to this disease,» she stated.