the Protests in the Khabarovsk territory have phenomenal character is not so much its mass, scale and persistence, as the fact that they occur against the background of the charges the ex-Governor Sergei Furgal in contract killings. Such opinion in interview of radio «KP» was expressed by the journalist Mikhail Leontyev.
«I think a significant part, maybe the masses don’t, but the local elite know very well how to do business in the region,» he said.
He remembered that the «dead ex-partner dawn was killed the day before the court’s decision Forgalom, which was supposed to be in his favor.» Then the subject of the dispute is a miserable factory building — moved structures Furgala added the journalist. He Furgal and his business partner Nicholas Mistryukov in 2004 were detained as suspects in the murder, but the case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
«I do not seem to be compelling these conversations: where they looked for so many years? And why he was elected to and fro and passed all the filters? What do you mean — passed the filters? There is no evidence. Directly following the logic of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, on this basis, almost all of his party can screw tomorrow. It would be necessary. Because then they will say: where were you? What you have today vincite why five years snapping jaws or ten? You can just Unscrew and say: guys, and then you we present you will give? Sit until there is solid evidence, wait for,» — said Leontiev.
According to him, the victory Furgala at the last gubernatorial election was the victory of the protest vote. Leontiev noted Furgala enormous prestige among the local population: «He’s a very talented public politician-populist». The journalist recalled the words of the political scientist Anton Zadkine, who noted that Furgal «says the words people want to hear,» but «it is tokategoricheski did not fulfill their promises, doing it in a particularly perverse form».
«actually, it’s classic liberal democratic party. Ridiculous to even consider. Imagine a voter. I have always said that voting for the liberal democratic party — is to some extent a slap in the ballot box. Not just a protest vote, but it was a slap. And here you go! Because imagine adequate mental voter, who would have expected that Zhirinovsky will fulfill campaign promises, impossible. This clinic. Not Zhirinovsky clinic. Clinic — the voters who really hopes that each woman will give a man, and so on,» — said Leontiev.
«Yes, we have a big country. Yes, it needs in territorial administration, separate from the center. You can elect why? He’s got huge number of problems. They have to be as Furgal. What’s the matter? From almost every Governor is required to be Forgalom. He must be talented, capable, likable populist, capable long enough to deceive the electorate. That’s what is required of him. On the one hand, it needs to perform tasks. That is not to lose confidence in political leadership. But on the other hand, it needs to deceive people. The objectives are different, they interfere with each other very much. Cannot be optimized in two directions opposite. It was not necessary to do it,» — said the journalist.
According to him, Degtyarev, who replaced Furgala as acting, in their political behaviour is very similar to Furgala public. Leontiev noted that Degtyarev «the most striking and therefore the most typical and the Deputy from LDPR».
«With all the inherent MP, liberal democratic party, the habits and peculiarities that can seriously change. Because he is young, it feels flexible. And if he has something to be obtained, so that much would changeXia. Because the sample Furgala not inspiring,» the journalist says.
«But the appointment of some very dangerous, actually. For him and for the further development of the situation,» — said Leontiev.
«the Issue of Khabarovsk will somehow be solved. Convicted killer will not be a Governor we have nowhere and no way. This will not work. How anyone in our government take, this will not work,» he said.
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