In the Altai in conditions of a pandemic have successfully used online technology in medicine

Altai Krai are actively involved in the implementation of the national project «Health». In terms of availability and quality of medical assistance in the Altai doctors helps Informatization. Today, new methods show positive results, especially in the period of the pandemic coronavirus, said the Director of the budget institution «Medical center management company Altai medical cluster» Vitaly Azanov.

Outpatient management of patients with coronavirus doctors on the basis of the Regional center of medical prevention: 25 professionals with technology «doctor-patient» contact with local people who have the disease occurs without complications over the phone and through the website

Once a day the doctor will call patients and ask them about the condition — the presence of cough, shortness of breath, fever and other symptoms. After the conversation, the doctor gives recommendations for further action. If the medic was unable to reach the patient, physician, subject to the insidiousness of the disease — transmits this information to the interior Ministry.

«specialists of the center clearly know in which case you must call on the house to the patient’s GP, and in what way urgently carry out a CT scan of the lungs and to call an ambulance,» explained the chief doctor of the Regional center of medical prevention Tatyana Repkina.

in addition, on the basis of Regional clinical hospital in Barnaul in the first month of the spread of coronavirus was organized by the Advisory centre for Altai doctors. Here is all information about patients with pneumonia, including covenyi. The center works on the technology of «doctor-doctor» — doctors can obtain consilience the solution of various professionals or advice from more experienced colleagues. The centre’s experts can make the decision to transport the patient to another hospital or to adjust the management strategies for patients.

In thethe these new technologies allow experienced doctors from Barnaul to monitor the status of patients across the province.

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