
Title: Does the color of the egg yolk influence its quality? An expert answers

Eggs are often overlooked, yet they are packed with benefits. Rich in proteins, fats, and vitamins, eggs are a boon for health. Their satiating effect helps regulate weight, while their vitamin content helps slow down cognitive decline. Moreover, your cardiovascular system is not neglected: the amino acids in eggs regulate your blood pressure. But does the color of the egg yolk have an impact on its benefits? Yellow, orange? Which one to prefer? Before delving into the egg yolk, we could first question the color of the eggshells. Why are some white and others brown? A nutrition specialist shares their insights for the Indian press.

The variations in shell color are linked to the hens’ earlobes
Dr. Priyanka Bandal, a physician interviewed by The Indian Express, reveals that the variations in shell color are linked to the hens’ earlobes. “They get their color from the hen’s genetics as the egg forms. Hens with lighter earlobes also have white feathers and produce white eggs. Those with colored feathers and darker earlobes will likely produce colored eggs,” said Dr. Bandal.

And what about the egg yolk?
The color of the egg yolk is influenced by the hen’s diet. A diet rich in carotenoids, such as those found in green plants, can result in a darker yellow or orange yolk. These carotenoids not only affect the color but also contribute to the nutritional value of the egg yolk, providing antioxidants that are beneficial for health.

In conclusion, while the color of the egg yolk may not directly impact its benefits, it can provide some insight into the hen’s diet and the nutritional content of the egg. So, whether you prefer a yellow or orange yolk, rest assured that both can be nutritious and delicious additions to your diet. Enjoy your eggs in whichever color you prefer, and savor the health benefits they provide.