the Publicist Evgeny Panasenko stated that he had appealed to the leadership of the St. Petersburg state University with a request to take action against ex-teacher Oleg Sokolov, accused in the murder of PhD student. The statements of the witness, the correspondent of «Rosbalt» with broadcast in the city court of St. Petersburg.
«My appeal was ignored by the leadership of St. Petersburg state University. I think this is more than a mistake. If it just fired, perhaps the crime would not have happened probably would have opened the eyes of a young PhD student on this subject,» said Panasenko.
According to him, the University did not pay attention to the complaint of the young man who withdrew from public lectures Sokolova after a verbal altercation. Did not respond in the St. Petersburg state University and on the widespread media reports that the accused were allegedly tortured one of the girls earlier, the witness added.
According to investigators, ex-teacher Oleg Sokolov during the argument, shot four times in the graduate student Anastasia Yeshchenko. Trying to hide traces of crime, historian, dismembered the girl and wanted to drown parts of the body in the Sink.
the media environment is widely known public debate between Evgeny Panasenko and Sokolov, who has studied the Napoleonic era. There were accusations of plagiarism, violation of honor and dignity provocation. Lawyers for the defendants said about systematic pressure on the defendant and harassment.
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