Media: Check the TFR may lead to the change of leadership of RCSMA

Checking into possible illegal actions of RCSMA intends to conduct the Main investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow. About it reports the Internet-the edition «Nepravda».

As noted in the publication, after the inspection, his place may be deprived of occupying the position of the Federal state institution «Russian center of forensic medical examination» of the Ministry of health (RCSME) Andrey Kovalev, as well as related persons.

This, in particular, confirmed the sources in the health Ministry and the Ministry of health. Denoting the Kovalev situation as «precarious», they stressed that its further destiny will depend on the findings of the audit (immediate inspection requested SU on Northern administrative district of GSU SK of Russia across Moscow).

According to the «Nepravda», the audit appointment of GSU SKR followed the complaints sent to the office of health care workers. They drew attention to the presence, in their opinion, «repeated abuse of the powers of the Director of RCSMA Andrei Kovalev». In addition, as the material, the applicants believed that his performance, as well as «actions of individuals, providing him the patronage of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of healthcare of the Russian Federation», there are signs of corruption.

As earlier reported «Nepravda», serious violations were discovered at RCSME in winter 2020, during the inspection of the centre by Roszdravnadzor. In based on the inspection act, along with the identified violations of the law, was reflected and information «by officials of RCSMA, including with the direct participation of Kovalev, criminal acts».

Among the revealed facts — the increase in terms of forensic examinations in criminal cases (including with participation of doctors), which comprise from 3 to 5 years, hin some cases, exceeds the limitation periods of bringing to criminal liability. In the result, these criminal cases cannot be reviewed properly.

meanwhile, according to statistics, in recent years, up to 75% of personal appeals to the Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin associated with people’s dissatisfaction with the quality of medical care. And it is this category of criminal cases requiring forensic examinations, investigated the most difficult.

As noted in the publication, in most cases, expert studies do not give a satisfying result the result, «it happens not only because of the decreased overall level of training of forensic scientists, but because of corruption in the medical environment.»

in addition, the Ministry found that in recent years, led by Kovalev, the center has purchased a significant number of expensive equipment — as the expert, and health, while technical conditions for its operation in the

RCSME do not exist. In this regard, the question arises about the illegal spending of tens of millions of rubles of budget funds, and also about the possible overpricing of equipment. For example, OOO «niar-Medic» from 2015 to February 2020 signed with RCSME 31 contract totaling over of 166.7 million rubles.

However, as noted in the publication with reference to the treatment of applicants, the inspection Roszdravnadzor was cancelled on formal grounds, and the violations listed in the legislation were not studied and has not been investigated. As noted in the appeals in the CCJ, at the request of the head of Kovalev RCSME the abolition of the act contributed to the chief medical examiner of Roszdravnadzor Eugene Tucic, who is now in charge of the organizational-methodological Department of RCSME. In addition, it is noted that the violations disappear «with the participation of the <...> head of the health Ministry of the Russian Federation Dmitry Parkhomenko».

as a result, examining the applicants ‘ complaints Deputy head of the second control investigatory Department GSU SK of Russia across Moscow Tatyana Myasnikova felt it necessary «to organize in RCSMA the test presented in the message arguments, to thoroughly understand their essence, to take legal measures to protect violated rights».

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