Distance learning in art schools, which had been temporarily introduced in March, has its disadvantages, but teachers and students through technology, found an opportunity and means to complete the work, told reporters the Agency urban news «Moscow» the Chairman of the Commission of Moscow city Council on culture and mass communications Evgeny Gerasimov. According to him, the transition to distance learning in the fields of art — «temporary, involuntary phenomenon.» However, he noted that the school of the arts thanks to modern technology found a way out of the situation. «For example, children’s school Shebalin music deals online, in particular, the solfeggio are using the school website and messenger WhatsApp. Students take pictures of sheet music, record audio messages with a performance of the songs. To the disciples it was easier and more interesting, teachers have introduced a special section «Writing music from the movies». Students had to write notes in the appropriate keys and the rhythm of the music from the «Harry Potter», «Lord of the rings» and «Pirates of the Caribbean»,» — said the Deputy. At the same time, he pointed out, not all children have musical instruments and not all homes are the same acoustic conditions, so some things have to catch up after the lifting of security measures. Today, however, students can be given the basic knowledge, according to Gerasimov. According to him, students of theatre and acting schools can continue their education in distance format, and there are all possibilities. «First, you can do the relatives with their audience, and secondly, everyone in the apartment there is a mirror,» — said Gerasimov, Recalling that of legendary French actor Louis de funès, who played in the famous movie «Fantomas», is carefully rehearsed before a mirror all your «acting cliches, grimaces». But the choreographers, said Gerasimov have all the more difficult. «To stay in shape, you must train every day. Not all apartments allow you to move freely. I think in this case, the future professional dancers need to exercise and to repeat the movements, though perhaps not at full strength, with a slightly smaller magnitude (especially for dancers). Cultural institutions (parks) already open, will they take their long-awaited spectators», — said the head of the Commission of Moscow city Council. Recall that the pandemic coronavirus non-profit organizations provide expert advice, training and festivals in remote formats so that citizens could participate in projects which are not exposed to the risk of infection. More than 50 projects supporting people with disabilities and their families. Thus, the service of assistance «Mercy» carries out consultations of psychologists, teachers and other professionals to seriously ill children and their parents. In April and may it conducted more than 600 consultations by phone or video conference. In turn the charity Fund «step» every day holds meetings for parents with orthopedists and other specialists live in Instagram. Fund to fight stroke «ORBI» daily receives more than 50 calls from patients and their families. The centre for socio-cultural animation «Spirituality» five times a week and conducts classes on inclusive dance in the distance format. Free online school that anyone can join — with or without disabilities.
Participants of social projects of NGOs are also becoming elderly. Federation «Yoga» every day provides online lessons for all children over 50. The site has over 40 video tutorials with exercises for the spine, improving vision, joint mobility and others. Center «Perspective» runs classes for older age gymnastics, crafts and creativity, foreign languages (English and Spanish), acting and singing. There are more than 500 people. Currently, non-profit organizations have the ability to master remote communication, so after the lifting of restrictive measures in the city to actively use them in their daily work.
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