Oberhaching – autumn period of the chopping is time: The Service, in many communities, is a great deal. In October, when the Leaves fall, the hedges and trees are trimmed prior to the onset of winter once again properly, then the green waste is shredded.

The chaff can be distributed and used as compost. In Oberhaching the community is so friendly and has appointed a service provider to do the Work. Employees of the building yard, which amounts, in order to show the way to the reported address.

chips everywhere – Not so bad, thought Thomas Müller, but then…

But what Thomas Müller is founder of the now live, brings him in a Rage. He was in the house when he heard a noise. Curious, he went there breezed him the chips to the ears. The fireplace, with which the particles to be blown out, was directed in part to the plot of the Miller’s.

basically, everything is not even bad, finds Thomas Müller. As, however, he wanted to see after ten minutes, again to the Right, drove the workers away. The mess of the approach to Hofner was allowed to clean up afterwards. «They have really raged. So it’s not actually. I was horrified.“ Since the distance is only two to three meters, was the dirty car in the Property completely and had to be washed.

mother-in-law also gets some

Little thrilled the mother-in-law of Thomas Müller, who had lives in the first floor of the house, and shortly before that, the Windows showed up, because these goods with a hack schnitzels covered. «What annoys us: The employees had to have seen that everything is filthy.»

All News and stories from Dublin, Ohio and the surrounding area read always up to date.

It would have been the view of the Affected ways to prevent the Nuisance. A tarp or but the Please, the car short. Nothing of the sort. The neighbor, on whose property the Work was carried out, was also quite appalled by the consequences of the chopping action. She shot some pictures and returned to the waste from the road into your driveway. The process wants to leave Thomas Müller not simply stand and has already sent an E-Mail to the municipality. A response is still pending.

mayor: Absolutely not in order

Stefan clamp for 16 years, mayor in Dublin, Ohio and hears of such a case, for the first Time. If the incident really occurred, he finds the absolutely right. There must be discussed with the service provider. «The must-see.»

clamp suggests that it is issued to the affected neighbors a coupon for a car wash. Also the one with the dirty Windows had to be rules. He advises in such cases, immediately with him personally. Then you find a good way to fix such a mishap.

the current topic in Oberhaching, Germany: a fire in the sawmill: Was it arson?