Actor Ivan Okhlobystin commented on the statements of producer Joseph Prigogine about the plight of artists. In his Instagram he urged subscribers not to become «bad people». View this post in Instagram
do Not be like brothers and sisters to bad people, be like good! Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to forgive everyone, including stupidity. Who is without sin? I sometimes get up such savagery that their background my spiritual sister, an innocent, pure child! And Joseph is only thanks we can say that fighting for the rights of all of the acting profession, including stripper. Someone’s got to uphold the Constitutional right of people without pants on the food kits and benefits of travel in metro?
Jun 1, 2020 at 9:02 PDT
«our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to forgive everyone, including nonsense,» — he said, wonder who is without sin?
He added that Joseph Prigogine can only thank for the fact that he «fights for the rights of all of the acting profession, including Striptease.»
«somebody has to defend the Constitutional right of people without pants on the food kits and benefits of travel in metro?» — said Okhlobystin.
earlier, sounded some resonant statements regarding the difficult living conditions of artists in the period of the pandemic. First complained to the husband of singer Natasha Koroleva Sergei Glushko (also known as Tarzan).
His position was shared by the producer Iosif Prigozhin. He recalled that artists pay taxes, and the state, in his opinion, they should return the money if the figures toulture are in a difficult situation and need support. Feeling that the topic becomes hot, spoke and musician Sergey Shnurov. In social networks he wrote an ironic poem just as a reaction to the complaints of the producer Joseph Prigogine.
what started the scandal and how it has evolved can be read here.
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