According to the latest count from the Ministry of Higher Education, 94,187 candidates out of a total of 936,000 did not have an assignment offer on Friday: 40,308 high school students, 36,118 candidates requesting reorientation and 17,761 educated abroad.

Last year, there were 91,178 candidates waiting for a proposal, out of a total of 841,518.

During the main admission phase on Parcoursup, which ends at midnight, candidates were able to make up to 10 wishes, without ranking them in order of preference.

But this year, from Friday evening, following the publication of a decree on June 23, Parcoursup is reintroducing the classification of wishes. This novelty means that between July 15 and July 18, 2022, candidates who are still on the waiting lists will have to prioritize their wishes, we can read on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education.

Then, from July 19, establishments that have places available will be able to automatically send them admission proposals. And candidates will have 48 hours to respond. In the event of a proposal, all establishments ranked after in the order of preference will be automatically deleted. Candidates who have accepted a proposal may nevertheless keep some or all of their wishes on the waiting list.

However, this prioritization of wishes only applies to establishments selected during the main admission phase. The wishes formulated during the additional phase, which runs from June 23 until mid-September, are not affected.

For Hervé Christofol, member of the national office of Snesup-FSU, this measure of prioritization of wishes is a step in the right direction. “This makes it possible to reduce assignment times, which are currently artificially lengthened by waiting lists,” he explains. «But to be really effective, it should have been put in place from the start of the procedure and not just at the end, where it will only concern the last candidates awaiting training».

Mr. Christofol regrets, however, that «this year is as bad as the previous one: there are still more than 94,000 candidates on the floor, it’s huge».

According to him, «this is only the result of a policy of not opening up enough places in the most popular training courses, such as law, psychology, health or even the Staps».