During an intervention by LFI Carlos Martens Bilongo, black and of Congolese origin, on the «drama of illegal immigration», the deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas launched «that they return to Africa» ​​or «that they return to Africa».

At 4:55 p.m., after a few minutes of confusion, the President of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet ended the session while several scheduled interventions remained, «given the seriousness of the facts» and the «legitimate emotion» of the Assembly. Such session interruptions are extremely rare.

The RN group claims that the deputy for Gironde was talking about a «boat» of migrants mentioned in the question, and «in no case» of Mr. Martens Bilongo, an elected official from Val-d’Oise.

«We are facing a manipulation of La France insoumise which seeks to distort my remarks to make me make disgusting remarks vis-à-vis a fellow French deputy of the Nation who has the same legitimacy as me on these benches “, defended Grégoire de Fournas in front of the press.

Carlos Martens Bilongo said he was «so sad»: «It’s shameful to be sent back to your skin color today».

«Racism has no place in our democracy», reacted Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, indicating that «naturally», the office of the National Assembly «will have to take sanctions».

The highest collegiate body of the Assembly will meet on Friday at 2:30 p.m.

«Today the far right has shown its true face,» said the president of the rebellious group in the Assembly Mathilde Panot. «We are going to ask for the strongest sanction, the expulsion for several months» of this deputy.

– «Forfeiture» –

The boss of LFI Jean-Luc Mélenchon claimed on Twitter the «forfeiture and exclusion of the insulter».

In the presidential camp, the Renaissance group «will not sit» before a heavy sanction against the RN deputy, said its vice-president Sylvain Maillard. «They may put on ties (…) It’s a deeply racist movement. Their dignity would have been to get it out».

According to parliamentary sources, the MP concerned is liable to «simple censure», i.e. deprivation of half of the parliamentary allowance for one month or «censorship with temporary exclusion», i.e. deprivation for two months of half of the indemnity allocated to the deputy with prohibition from taking part in the work of the Assembly and from reappearing at the Palais Bourbon for fifteen days.

Since the unprecedented election of 89 RN deputies to the Assembly, Marine Le Pen’s group had been compelled to play the notabilisation card.

However, he did not avoid controversy, as when the oldest member José Gonzales immediately praised the French Algeria of his childhood on June 28, or during a recent stormy session where two deputies RN had called Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire a «coward» and Education Minister Pap Ndiaye a «communitarian».

These invectives had given rise to sanctions from the President of the National Assembly, sanctions which must also be the subject of a debate in the office of the institution.

Winegrower in the North Médoc, Grégoire de Fournas exercises his first mandate, at 37 years old. He had not made a wave so far at the Palais Bourbon, where he sits on the Economic Affairs Committee.