the Accused in the murder of PhD student Oleg Sokolov said about the persecution, which was «the cause of all these terrible events», the correspondent of «Rosbalt» with the broadcast of the meeting in the city court of St. Petersburg.
According to the ex-teacher of St. Petersburg state University, the pressure on him was even in 2018, «life deliberately broke two years.»
«Panasenkov and the criminal group was organized by my persecution, they organized a provocation in my classroom. My front painted repeatedly insulting inscriptions. They were broken into-Anastasia. They threatened us, they threatened me. These text messages they left, threatening that your corpse will lie,» — said Sokolov.
he Commented and accusations of some female students in the violence of the defendant’s interview with her was earlier circulated media. According to the historian, this woman «worked for the enemy» for a reward.
we will Remind, ex-teacher of St. Petersburg state University, Oleg Sokolov was charged with possession of weapons, murder and rastenii of PhD student Anastasia Yeshchenko with which they cohabited. In case materials do not just pop up the facts of the conflict between the defendant and his scientific opponent Jevgenijs Panasenkova, which was criticized by historian and accused him of plagiarism, violation of honor and dignity. Public discussion has generated a lot of memes on social networks.
Sokolov Informed colleague in the Department said that he identified himself with Napoleon Bonaparte, and associates called historian Cyr.
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