The government refused to pay benefits to Housewives for "slave labor"

the Russian Government did not support the bill on benefits Russian Housewives, the correspondent «of Rosbalt».

the Bill proposed to pay such an allowance in the amount of one minimum wage women or men who are exclusively engaged in household chores. The allowance shall be paid in the case that the size of per capita family income of Housewives (of a householder) does not exceed twice the subsistence minimum in subject of the Russian Federation, the document says.

When determining eligibility for benefits offered to consider the income of all co-resident family members: wife, husband, parents, minor children and adult children enrolled in full-time education until they reach the age of 23 years and disabled since childhood of I group.

the initiative was initiated by deputies of the state Duma from LDPR, however, the government voted against its adoption.

«the Proposed bill the application of minimum wage to determine the amount of benefits does not correspond to the legal nature the minimum wage, which in accordance with article 3 of the Federal law «On minimum wage» can be applied only to the regulation of remuneration and determine the size of temporary disablement allowances, on pregnancy and childbirth, and for other purposes of compulsory social insurance. The application of the minimum wage for other purposes is not allowed,» said the government.

Earlier, the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has called the work of the Housewives «slave labor».

«This is slave labor: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, to wash, to go to the store, pharmacy, all to meet», — said Zhirinovsky.

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