The pandemic did not affect the timing of the investment project

PhosAgro, Europe’s largest producer of phosphate fertilizers, does not change the timing of the implementation of the investment project for the development of the Volkhov complex. Pandemic coronavirus have not made adjustments to the original plans of the company, and to fully complete all work is planned in 2023.

To date, the industrial site is already built warehouse of liquid ammonia with a capacity of 490 tons, modernized and built new Railways to the object. Carried out on site commissioning.

in addition, preparing for the commissioning of energy facilities: the gas installation installation of all technology equipment maintained landscaping; the main step-down substation the installation of the building, installed the main electrical equipment, is decoration. The commissioning of main step-down station will reduce the load on the external network by 25%.

«Will create a new plant with a capacity allowing to produce more than 1.1 million tons per year of sulfuric acid, 500 thousand tons per year of phosphoric acid and 800 thousand tons per year of ammonium phosphate, — said the Director of the Volkhov branch of JSC «Apatite» (Group «FosAgro») Alexey Ikonnikov. — It is planned to put into operation a warehouse of liquid ammonia and finished products, as well as combined heat and power plant with a power plant capacity of 25 MW. The new production will create more than 200 jobs for highly qualified specialists».

Recall that the beginning of this project, PhosAgro announced in March 2019. The company is expected to 2023 will guide the development of the Volkhov complex of about 28 billion rubles. Pandemic on the company’s plans are not affected.

«the Company We were sympathetic to the situation and imposed strict preventive measures to protect your employees and avoid loss of production, — noted the Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko. — was not only saved, planned burn rate, the company showed growth in the first half by 7%. On the Volkhov complex in the coming years production capacity will grow fourfold. Already created about a hundred additional jobs for the employees of new industries. Moreover, they are places with high salaries for specialists in a number of in demand in the chemical industry professions».

One of such professionals — specialist of Equipment management implementation of construction and investment projects Roman Medvedev, who works in the Volkhov branch October 2019.

«I Believe that the measures taken against the coronavirus is correct. The health and safety of our family, colleagues and loved ones the company puts at the forefront. Therefore, I believe that the management company receives a correctly — does not stop production, save jobs and a stable salary. For the implementation of investment projects is very important. We can’t reduce the rate, depends on us the further development of the Volkhov complex. Today is a priority for us,» — said Medvedev.