
Dr. David Sabgir is a cardiologist in Columbus, USA. He recently shared with Eating Well magazine three heart-healthy snacks that are great for when you need a quick bite during the day, instead of reaching for chips and processed cookies.

Hummus and Veggie Sticks
Although this snack requires a little preparation, it is incredibly good for your health. Dr. Sabgir explains that hummus is traditionally made from chickpeas and/or lentils, which are high in fiber and help reduce LDL cholesterol (the «bad» cholesterol). Raw vegetable sticks also provide fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. The doctor recommends using bell peppers, cucumbers, or baby carrots for the vegetable sticks. It’s best to avoid store-bought hummus, as it often contains unhealthy additives, excess salt, and/or too much fat. Making it at home is a better option!

Avocado Toast
Avocado toast has become quite popular as a savory snack, and it’s also good for your health. Avocados contain «good» fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids that can lower levels of «bad» cholesterol. Mashed avocado spread on whole-grain bread adds dietary fiber. It’s best to steer clear of industrial avocado puree, which can contain unhealthy additives. Homemade is the way to go!

Dark Chocolate and Nut Mix
For a sweet treat, why not try a combination of dark chocolate and mixed nuts? Nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and cashews naturally contain beneficial unsaturated fats for heart health. Dark chocolate provides polyphenols such as flavanols and catechins, which are linked to a reduced risk of heart attacks. Be sure to choose unsalted nuts and opt for dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa content.

Incorporating these heart-healthy snacks into your daily routine can not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute to your overall well-being. Remember, homemade versions are often the healthiest choice compared to store-bought options. So, next time you feel peckish, reach for these nutritious snacks recommended by a cardiologist for a healthier heart.