Virologists are wondering how long the immunity gives the coronavirus

Russia has no cases of re-infection with a coronavirus, and virologists already wondering how long can be the immunity against the disease in those already ill. It is reported AGN «Moscow».

As reported by doctor of biological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of Department of Microbiology, Virology and immunology, faculty of preventive medicine of the First Moscow state medical University named after Sechenov Vitaly Zverev, it is hoped that immunity will persist for two years.

Experts make their conclusions by studying other coronaviruses, open earlier. Then within 1.5-2 years sozranenie antibodies, so experts believe that this coronavirus will have recovered at least to the same immunity.

«it is Unlikely that those people who had become ill a second time,» — said Zverev.

However, he said that in addition to the level of antibodies should be considered in cell-mediated immunity.

«it Is believed that the virus is something special, and it acts just on the cell-mediated immunity. He has two proteins that inhibit the interferon system,» — said Zverev.

the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation believe that re-infection with coronavirus may be associated with features of the immune system, however, this is rare. The announcement was made after the Governor of the Vladimir region said that one of the doctors in the region again fell ill with middle East respiratory syndrome. Later, the press service of the regional administration explained that it «in the first case had pneumonia with a negative test result for coronavirus, and in the second case the test result for novel coronavirus infection was positive».

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